
The way Daniel turned his nightclub business around and made a seven figure profit in 2009 Watches

Now, you might think that managing a club isn't that difficult. I mean, we all know it's not rocket science. You have a place, a recurring event, some party poster, people who work for you and so on. It shouldn't be that hard, after all Bulgari Watches the owner can just duplicate whatever the other club owners do.Well you see, that is all wrong! And I will tell you why...This guy Daniel is running a nightclub in one of the major cities on the east coast of USA. It's nothing fancy, nothing special about it. Just a regular club with a nice atmosphere, attractive party posters, good DJ's, professional bartenders and all those key ingredients. Watches But for three years in a row, he struggled just to keep his business reaching the minimum level. Now, that sucks, right?We all know that feeling of frustration. You do everything right, you take the "gurus" advice, you follow those "guides" that will make everything happen. And still, you struggle. Well, it's not your fault! And you're not Chaumet by yourself either, we've all been in that position.In 2009, Daniel realized that it was "do or die". He knew that something had to change. Could it be that his gurus were not really gurus, except in selling marketing courses? Perhaps that blueprint was great - for someone who could afford to spend 20 hours a day Franck Muller Watches following it's "easy" step by step guide. Daniel decided to do something differently.With all the buzz about social media and networking online, he decided to try something that he came up with himself. No more gurus or blueprints, just common sense marketing and something that would catch everyones attention: the best party posters in the city.He wanted a series of party posters that would immediatly grab the viewers attention, something that would be thought provoking and stay in peoples memories. Something people would talk about, creating that word-of-mouth buzz every Watches marketer dreams about.Without knowing it, he was doing everything right from the start. Social media and networking is a great way to get people to talk about you and your business. But you need something to light the fire, you need an initial spark. In Daniels case, the party posters were the spark.He did not just promote his nightclub using the party posters on different locations in the city. Actually, he also posted them online. TAG Heuer Watches Just a simple file upload to a couple of social networking sites and his party poster was visible to everyone on this planet. And as it turns out with social media, someone starts talking about it and all of a sudden you have caught a lot more attention than you could ever have imagined!This change in perspective made Daniel go from break even to a seven figure profit in 2009! And 2010 is already looking even better!Imagine having the same breakthrough change as Daniel. Going from struggling to enjoying! Now that's a change worth thinking about! Then, it's all about taking action.

